
I started my career in campaigns right here in Virginia as a Fellow. Since then, investing in youth has been a huge priority to me.

If we do not invest in our youth in Virginia, that is on us. Giving them opportunities to work with their own legislators on projects to build skills they can take with them as they graduate that then, they can come back to help us ensure Virginia is blue is how we win.

If you’d like to apply for a fellowship, click here to email us directly.



Working for Senator Kaine’s re-election in 2018, I started the first staging location on a college campus during GOTV that coordinated with DPVA. It was solely ran by college students.


In 2018 while in CD-05, I also oversaw Congressman Jamie Raskin’s Democracy Summer Virginia Interns’ volunteer activities.

The following year in 2019, I was elected Political Director of VAYD.


In 2020, I enacted the Digital Fellow program for the coordinated campaign here in Virginia that carried on to the Biden campaign for Virginia. Close to 100 high-school kids were a part of the program.



In 2021, I started organizing youth around Former Governor Terry McAuliffe over 300 days away from the Gubernatorial election. We implemented weekly organizing calls with goals and metrics. As the campaign went on, the Fellows ended up being in charge of monitoring the backend of our peer-to-peer texting platform that accounted for 75% of supporter IDs and close to 2 million texts sent, statewide.


Digital Organizing